For what reason are bi-metallic lugs necessary to stop galvanic corrosion in electrical connections between copper and aluminum conductors?
For what reason are bi-metallic lugs necessary to stop galvanic corrosion in electrical connections between copper and aluminum conductors?
Blog Article
In electrical connections between copper and aluminum conductors, bi-metallic lugs are crucial. Bi-metallic lugs are made of an aluminum barrel and a copper palm that are bonded together safely and effectively via friction welding. When copper and aluminum come into contact without bi-metallic lugs, galvanic corrosion will occur, causing the connection to gradually lose its integrity and develop electrical resistance. Bi-metallic lugs will enable industries to have lengthy, reliable electrical connections, reducing the possibility of power outages and overheating.
Galvanic corrosion is felt when there are two various metals, such as copper and aluminum, making contact with each other under conditions of an electrolyte, say moisture or humid air. Upon contact, aluminum corrodes at a high speed, causing the conductivity to decrease and electrical risk. Bi-metallic lugs solve this challenge by offering a secure transition of the two metals, avoiding any direct contact and the possibility of corrosion. Also, proper utilization of the lugs improves conductivity, reduces the need for maintenance, and enhances system efficiency to the maximum level, hence a necessity in power distribution systems, industrial systems, and renewable systems.
For use in applications requiring secure electrical contacts, Pioneer Powers offers high-performance anti-galvanic corrosion and enhanced performance bi-metallic lugs. Their highly engineered lugs offer hardness, conductivity, and safety even in extreme conditions. Spending on bi-metallic lugs saves the life of electrical systems as well as maintenance costs, hence constituting a smart investment in modern electrical installations.